Grayson Cook

Grayson Cook, A Freshman Running His Way to the Lead

Take a quick look here at the incredible talents of young Grayson Cook, freshman running back and offensive linebacker at Belfry High School in Belfry, Kentucky. I do believe from the speed and skill that is shown in these highlights, this young man will be growing incredibly as one of the most beneficial teammates on board over the next three years.

Seeing the great number of plays that Grayson is able to manage with accuracy and agility there is nothing more than great respect that he deserves for everything he is already able to do in keeping up with players as much as three years above him. It is incredible to see a young player take on such responsibility and force at the line of scrimmage, with a willingness and effort matching all others on the field.

With this incredible young man on the field, the Belfry team and fans alike have much to expect over the next three years as he grows and develops as an even greater team player. I know that we here at The Playbook Athlete will look forward to seeing his accomplishments from year to year as he walks steadily into the 2020 recruiting class. Good luck, Grayson!

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