We believe that the sole purpose of the world-renowned Anime is to entertain its viewers. However one can also reasonably infer that an ulterior motive is to teach some sort of life lesson.
Whether a story wants to teach us to never give up or to press through tough situations, there are definitely many lessons that viewers can extract from their favorite anime shows that they can use and apply in their daily lives.
This rings true for athlete Michi Holley. He believes that you can make it out of whatever situation you are in to reach your full potential.
“I’m a huge anime fan,” says Michi. “While I was watching a show called Naruto, at one point he said ‘Hard work is worthless for those that don’t believe in themselves.’ This quote hits home for me because when the pandemic hit there was times where I got down on myself.” He says he overcame that stage by believing in himself.
“I want to be a positive role model to my younger siblings,” he says. “I am big on positivity and want to spread positivity and show people that anything is obtainable as long as you are willing to GRIND for it.”