What Is Your Social Media Strategy This Season


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Social media has become one of the most powerful tools in recruiting for college coaches. If you use it correctly, you can create a strong personal connection with your prospective followers, including college coaches. Often users make the mistake of leaping into social media without a clear plan.  To clearly benefit from social media. You need to develop a clear strategy that takes into account  your goals and objectives, who to follow and message.  Determine the most affective times to utilize social media as apart of your strategy this season.

Join our ninety day Summer Twitter Campaign for the best exposure on social media. We average 1 million impressions  every 28 day s on Twitter, we’re excited about sharing  your content with our  Twitter followers @playbookathlete this season. It takes about three months to start developing a following on social media with consistent messaging. We look forward to helping you achieve your athletic goals this season.

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1.1 Million Impressions



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