Matthew Neff: Ready for Grind Time

The lights go on and fans begin to enter the stadium. The smell of delicious treats being prepared at the concessions stand fills the air. Coaches are in the locker room giving their pep talks to their teams and adrenaline is pumping through the bodies of teenage football players. Everyone anticipates the 7:00 kickoff on the 50 yard line. But what is it like for that student athlete that can’t experience the roaring cheer of the crowd in the stands? QB Matthew Neff knows what it feels like first hand. For two years he lived over seas with his family…and there was no football. The closest he got was throwing to the Marines and the U.S. Ambassador,who volunteered to run pass routes for him, at the U.S. Embassy where his dad was working.

Now he is back in the United States and enjoying all of the glory of American football. Matthew has attended some great camps this summer such as  the Chris Hatcher Football camp, Duel of the Dozens NFA, Davidson College Football Camp and the Vanderbilt University Elite QB/WR/DB CAMP. He’s definitely ready to shine bright under the lights this season. Keep up with Matthew’s success here with Play Book Athlete.



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