It is so easy to ask… What on earth can be found from a varsity Freshman Quarterback? It is so rare to find in either high school or college football alike, but this young man shows such a great deal of experience and skill throughout his years in youth football. There is much to be seen from his agility and speed, passing the ball and running it himself, playing with great strength and intensity all along the field. It’s amazing to see a Freshman like Eric Rodriguez to play so fearlessly.
Working up his personal size, from 5’10” 165 pounds, Rodriguez already plays varsity QB and already runs the 40YD dash in under 5 seconds. There is much to be said for his athleticism and skill, being able to see his power and leadership among most of his offensive teammates appearing older and larger above himself as the team leader. It’s incredible to see such bravery from within a man at the very beginning of his high school career.
Never-ending smooth activity on the field, with the strength of arms and hands for the precise throw while also calling the plays as needed for his entire team on the field. Swift hands and feet, both passing to teammates and defying the aggression of the defense, Rodriguez works for the dream of every coach behind him. It’s also incredible to see the amazing Hudl Highlights that show Eric’s powerful plays throughout both Big League Youth Football Association, and also starting immediately off in his high school career. What an incredibly talented and effective young Quarterback with even more growth to come!